Monday, November 25, 2013

What time is it? Time for Christ.

  What is time, and why do I feel so strongly about it?
  Time is so hard to define, because of how much power it holds. Time can grow beards, time can mend a broken heart, time can get a runner from start to finish, time can raise a family. We can't take back time. The beard can't ungrow, the whole heart can't be unmended, a runner can't run from finish to start, a family can't be unraised. What is done, is done. It can't come back.
  Heaven is eternal because it rests in a place untouched by the grip of time. The angels live in a single moment that lasts for eternity. Us humans can not comprehend such a magnificent thought, because we have only known the sound of a ticking clock. We've only known the sign of wrinkles and rust. Things get used. People pass away. 

Matthew 6:19-21 

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
    On the last day of creation, God did the most magnificent thing.. He rested.
  "Yeah, wut ev. He was tired." No, you don't understand. The Creator of the Universe RESTED. He made His masterpiece, and He decided to enjoy His masterpiece by RESTING in it. This means that God placed Himself in time. The one untouched by the grip of time, touched time. And rested.. What. A. Rebel. Isn't God awesome?
  Just mere seconds hold more power than any human. Two seconds can start a heart attack, make a silence awkward, cause a car crash, produce a child, lose a game of Minute to Win It, etc.
  Do you understand the power of time, now? Our time is so important.. We can spend our day serving the elderly for Christ, or ganging up on a group of teenagers. The difference can be life or death when it comes Judgment day. We can use our day to sign stacked paperwork, or we can use our day giving ourselves fully to God. (I am not saying working is bad. I am saying if you put work before Christ, that time can mean Heaven or Hell.) 

  The most important and significant worship we could EVER give our Creator is our time. Our Creator invented time, so He understands how we could get sidetracked from our personal relationship with Him. That is the very reason He created it. What FULLY devoted Christian doesn't have time for their God? What bride doesn't have time for her bridegroom? What children don't have time for their father? I believe God created time to rule out the jerks who want a free ride to salvation. Like a fast food worker who wants the money, but not the effort it takes to receive the money.
   God honors our time. It only takes 5 minutes out of your 24 hours to tell God how much you love Him. How much He means to you. The more time we pour out to Him, the more favor He pours on us. We can spend 5 minutes in His presence, or 5 hours.
  You know how WONDERFUL it feels to worship God? So why don't you do it more? Why do you spend 30 seconds praying, 5 minutes reading in your Bible, and 23:55:30 preforming actions that will not benefit in your eternal life? We are all guilty of this. Christ doesn't want 5 minutes and 30 seconds. He wants our SACRIFICE of time. Not our left over time. Christ gave HIMSELF. Why can't we sacrifice that 3 hours we were going to party away? We are called to follow the way of Jesus Christ, Christians! That includes His MANY sacrifices.
   "I am too busy to pray." You are too busy NOT to pray. If you've got so much going on that you can't wake up at 5:30am and tell God how much of a blessing He is by studying the word, then you need to PRAY for time. Carve out hours - you will get your reward.


Psalm 39:4-5

Lord remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered - how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. my entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.

Proverbs 16:9 

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

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