Friday, November 22, 2013

"..but you have kept the best until now!"

Jentezen Franklin often has online podcasts that are simply amazing, to say the least. I love hearing his sermons while doing school work, practicing music, etc. It's a total blessing.
  Yes, I have mentioned Jentezen Franklin before. No, I do not get paid for talking about him, and yes, I would like for you to look him up. 
So, I was listening to one of his lessons on "The Power of Now" or something along those lines.
Here's my shortened, revised, and blogified version of what I got from it, that I felt led to share.
 John 2:9-10
  When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though the servants knew), he called the bridegroom over. A host always serves the best wine first," he said, "Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!" 

These verses are on the time Jesus turned the water into wine.
  A lot of preachers who teach about these verses say "Jesus saves the best for last!"
Re read these verses. Does it say the best came last? It says the best came NOW. Does that statement not give you chills? The best is now.

  I am a 15 year old homeschooled female. I didn't grow up in a religious house hold. Like every one else who lives in the south, we had Bible verses hung up on the walls, and a dusty Bible on the bed stand. But that's as far as anything went.

I was taught that God was real, but He wasn't REALLY real.

  I didn't grow up in church. My dad and mom have been split up ever since I can remember, so I go back and forth between houses. Visiting my grandmother on my dad's side was about the only Christianity I got into me. Oh, bless my grandmother .. She is such a blessing. She took me and my 1st cousin to EVERY VBS, every Sunday morning service, she gave me (and still does) every ceramic angel she could buy at yard sells. Angels that sang, angels that lit up, angels that made me smile by the very thought of them. I believe Christ used my amazing grandmother to open up the door to my salvation today. Moral of the small distraction, hug your grand parents while you still can. I waste no time letting my grand parents know how much I love and care for them. Be grateful for every opportunity they gave/give you. Pray for their wellbeing constantly. Anyways. Back to the point.

  My parents never raised me in church. I started going to church on my own much later on in my life.
So for a few years, I've been trying to get my mom in church. After 2 long years, I finally heard these words escape her lips "What time is church tomorrow? I may go with you."
  Oh, the joy! Oh, how the angels in heaven shouted and sang praises to God!
But my spirits were a little let down when she told me my step father was also attending, because she makes a habit of not stepping out when he is around. But the funny thing is, they came the next week. And the next. And this week, they are (Lord willing) continuing to attend Sunday morning service with me.

See, Jesus saved the best for now. During those 2 years of waiting, Jesus saved the best for then, as well. The days of 'marinating' is just as important as the day now. We can't have salvation without marination, and we can't have marination without salvation.
Laugh all you want at my choice of words, but it's only absolutely true.

"...but you have saved the best until now!"

NOW, family. Today is the day to turn your life around. Today is the day to start that ministry you have been praying for. What is stopping you?
Now is the only time we have. So why are we still laying in bed? Why aren't we off our tail-ends yet?
Start your volunteer work now. This very hour. We aren't promised next week, when we are free. We aren't guaranteed our next heart beat. Geez, family. Let's get up and serve NOW.

Jesus saved the best for now. Let's stop looking at what's coming up, let's stop looking back at our 'good ole days'. Let's look at Jesus, and receive His best.  

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