Wednesday, August 17, 2016

To the one watching as your friends depart for college.

 //To the one who's watching as their friends depart for college.\\

-When your friends get accepted into prestigious colleges, posting on Instagram and Snapchat their acceptance letters, and conversing about what colleges they applied for and which they chose  
    You are intelligent. 
-When you choose to attend a community college in the heart of your hometown, because it's cheaper and the right decision for your life 
     You are wise.
-When your friends talk of the many places and adventures they will take, the people they will meet, and the fun they will have 
     You are important.
-When you feel as if you're completely overshadowed by your friend's new stage of life, and no one sees your stage (or sees you at all) 
     You aren't selfish.
-When everyone around you seems to be walking at a different pace than you 
     You aren't slow. 
-When you look to the left and to the right and all you see is change 
     You are entering a new season.
-When you can't see anything but sorrow 
      Joy is waiting for you. 

   You'll need these reminders. Say them to yourself daily. 
   This will be a daily struggle, and that's okay.
   So much chaos is happening in your life, and it's okay to feel sad.
   Your friends are leaving you - that's okay. You are so much stronger than you once believed. 

Life is changing, and it's crazy. Embrace it.
These are the moments in which you've been asking for so long, "Change me, Lord. Put me back on the potters wheel.. Shape me and mold me into Your image." 

You're doing the right thing. You're not making a mistake. You are smart.
- You are intelligent, even if you don't feel like it at times like these.
- You are wise in staying home longer, even if you don't feel like it in times like these.
- You are important, and your value is not in the people you surround yourself with, or the college you attend, even if you don't feel like it in times like these.
- You aren't selfish because every thought isn't devoted to your friend's new stage in life, or for feeling overlooked, or for being afraid, even if you don't feel like it in times like these. 
- You aren't slow because you feel behind everyone else, the hand of God is simply holding you behind so you can flourish under His care, even if you don't feel like it in times like these. 
- You are entering a new season of your life, one full of hope and destiny, and just like a quarter on a scratch-off;
you have to experience friction in order to step into the fullness of your purpose, even if you don't feel like it in times like these. 

Hold on just a little bit longer..

Joy is waiting for you.